Relevance Module Troubleshooting
This page describes common problems with the Relevance Module and how to solve them.
- I added the Relevance Module to my project but it's not working properly
- No visitor data is being collected
- Realtime tab in Content audiences application shows message "Could not read . The server returned status code 500 (Internal Server Error)."
- Relevance REST service returns 500 Internal Server Error
- The Trends tab does not contain any data
- The persona property "comes from" only provides two locations (Amsterdam, NL and Cambridge, US).
- Error "can't merge a nested mapping" on CMS startup.
Common Problems
I added the Relevance Module to my project but it's not working or not working properly
Verify that all required Maven dependencies have been added to the project.
Verify that the data stores have been configured correctly.
No visitor data is being collected
Verify that the collectors are configured correctly.
You may want to add the Collectors Bundle to configure more collectors in your project.
Use the Relevance REST services to verify that visitor data is being collected.
Realtime tab in Content audiences application shows message "Could not read . The server returned status code 500 (Internal Server Error)."
The CMS received a 500 response (Internal Server Error) from the Relevance REST service. Check the application logs for any error messages and/or stacktraces. Most likely this is caused by incorrectly configured data stores.
Verify that the data stores have been configured correctly.
Verify that the SQL database and Elasticsearch are running and reachable.
Relevance REST service returns 500 Internal Server Error
Check the application logs for any error messages and/or stacktraces. Most likely this is caused by incorrectly configured data stores.
Verify that the data stores have been configured correctly.
Verify that the SQL database and Elasticsearch are running and reachable.
The Trends tab does not contain any data
Check the application logs for error messages. In case of Connection refused, most likely the visits data store is configured incorrectly or the Elasticsearch instance is not running or unreachable.
Verify that the data stores have been configured correctly, in particular the visits store (Elasticsearch).
Verify that Elasticsearch is running.
The persona property "comes from" only provides two locations (Amsterdam, NL and Cambridge, US).
The locations are configured as properties of the GeoIPCollectorPlugin.
Using the Console, browse to /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/hippo-targeting/collector-geo.
Add a new location to the multi-valued string property locations, using the format city | country code | latitude | longitude (for example Amsterdam | NL | 52.350006 | 4.9167023).
Error "can't merge a nested mapping" on CMS startup.
This error can occur on startup of the CMS, initializing the Elasticsearch store, from method AbstractElasticStore.updateMapping:
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"can't merge a nested mapping [requests] with a non-nested mapping"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"can't merge a nested mapping [requests] with a non-nested mapping"},"status":400}
Most probably this is caused by Elasticsearch having generated its own mapping dynamically for the "requests" object, instead of it having been initialized specifically, by the CMS. This can happen when an index is created while a running CMS is already putting data into it.
The solution is to recreate the index, then (re)start the CMS.